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2021 NOFO Process

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2021 Montana CoC Scoring & Ranking Process


A Scorecard Committee consisting of five voting members are assisted by a national technical assistance consultant to review past scorecards and the current NOFO to develop the scoring criteria and point valuations for the 2021 Competition.  Separate scoring are developed for new and renewal project applications as well as for Domestic Violence (DV) and non DV projects.  The draft scorecards are then presented to the MT CoC Coalition Board of Directors for discussion, change and final adoption.  

Scorecard Summary

Renewal Projects:

53% of renewal project scoring is based upon HUD’s System Performance Measures (SysPM) and using actual data from the most recent, fully completed Annual Performance Report.  Another 40% of the scoring uses other objective scoring criteria with the remaining being subjective narratives related to how a project meets a need identified in a local Needs and Gaps Assessment. Visit here for more details on Renewal Project applications.

New Projects:

80% of a new project’s score comes directly from answers provided in the HUD eSNAPS project application and 20% from MT CoC supplemental application questions.  

All narrative responses for both renewal and new applications are reviewed and scored by an independent, third-party Grants Review Panel.  All other objective or performance based scoring uses actual numerical data and an assigned graduated schedule of points. Visit here for more details on New Project applications.


Scores are tallied and presented to the Scorecard Committee for review and approval.

The committee then begins a ranking process that takes into consideration geographic distribution, Tier 2 mathematical formula and its’ effect on Tier 2 project funding and more.  The committee’s ranking recommendation is presented to the CoC Board of Directors for review and discussion which adopts the final ranking.

Final rankings are communicated to all project applicants at least 15 days prior to the HUD submission deadline.  Any project applicant wishing to appeal the final ranking is instructed to submit their appeal by email within 3 days of notification and the Scorecard Committee is authorized to rule on any appeal.

For more information, please visit these websites:

Project Deadlines